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Danza de los Voladores

I love Mexico. I arrived here almost 6 months ago without any particular expectations and fell in love at first sight. From what I can see around, I'm not the only one! Because, let's be honest, what's not to like? Great food, great weather, beautiful landscapes and on top of that, everywhere you go, people smile! And then, there's that little extra something, the cherry on top, that little bit of crazy, which for me places Mexico somewhere between the US, Europe and the Middle East on my scale of "friendly". La danza de los voladores (the dance of the flyers) below, which I witnessed in Bosque de Chapultepec (another post coming about this beautiful park) - I've been told - is a pre-hispanic tradition, which used to have religious significance but was comercialized by the colonizers. Of course, the flying dancers immediately reminded me of the ''spinning Darwish' or the 'dance of tannoura' in Turkey and Egypt. .. What happens i...

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